Thursday, 31 January 2013

Thought Stealer

This was one of my more disappointing days in my gym history. I had a leg day and proceeded to injure my legs in ways that i hadn't done since high school rugby practice; this said i still managed to complete almost all of my sets for the day as well as chuck in 20 minutes cardio.

All of this gym work was possible thanks to work being cancelled again for the second time this week, which is alright as I'm getting holiday pay. However it wasn't until i had been sitting in Dixy Chicken devouring a Boneless box with Kyle for some time, that i went to stand up and the burning sensation hit my legs like nothing i was expecting. Luckily i made it home and to my chair in front of my computer where i have been sat for the past four hours.

My humble abode for the long gaming marathon.

Now I'm not as big a gamer as i used to be, but i must say when i get into the whole gaming thing i can end up not sleeping for several days; which to anyone who knows me, is a bad bad thing. I've been contemplating getting a video camera; I have no other motivation for this other than using it for more variety on band blogs and maybe starting to do my own. Kyle has his own vlog which he enjoys doing every now and then, and whenever i watch them i feel an urge that can only be sated by buying a camera and doing my own.

I seem to just copy others' ideas... Sorry Kyle!

In a bit Blogger.

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