Thursday, 24 January 2013

The Beginning of Something New

Today is the day that I start to blog.

What an interesting concept, to write a blog. It could range from an online diary all the way to an entertainment platform. I've always wanted to do something like this, but I've never had the chance to just sit down and think about things, no matter typing them out in an organized fashion!

Truth is, I don't just stop and think about things; I'm almost constantly on the move or busy with one thing or another. I do hope this blog will force me to slow down and just reflect on certain things; whether that be experiences or just things i want to do but haven't got round to it yet. If i do just slow down then maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to cope with the massive pressures of working two jobs, working towards a foundation uni degree and hold together a band.

Now music is a fundamental part of my life.

A start to a long and expensive career.

This at first seems incredibly childish "Music is my life! 4eva!". However considering my dreams and aspirations in this life is to become something like a famous musician or producer, i believe it's a fair statement. My band is very much a path to that dream, as well as my degree is a path to the producing side of that same dream. Now i know I'm not single-handedly holding the band together but sometimes organising practices, trying to achieve certain things, and permanently thinking of new song ideas can all get overwhelming.

If you haven't guessed by now i love the whole idea of a band, and i love the idea of building it from the ground up. This is essentially what this blog will be about considering it is my main activity. Work and uni will also feature slightly as well as my other escapades!

In a bit Blogger.

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